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Franz Kafka
  • 3900 lei
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One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. Thus begins The Metamorphosis, cited as one of the seminal works of fiction of the twentieth century. A story of Gregor Samsa, a travelling salesman, who wakes up one day to discover that he has metamorphosed into a bug, The Metamorphosis is a book that concerns itself with the themes of alienation, disillusionment, and existentialism. As Samsa struggles to reconcile his humanity with his transformation, Kafka, very deftly, weaves his readers into a web that deals with the absurdity of existence, the alienating experience of modern life, and the cruelty and incomprehensibility of authoritarian power, leaving them at once stunned and impressed.

Etichete: Librărie, Alexandria Librării, Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka, Fingerprint Publising, reducere, promotie, carti

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