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Niall Ferguson

Niall Ferguson

Niall Ferguson, unul dintre cei mai cunoscuţi istorici britanici, profesor de istorie la Harvard University şi Harvard Business School, Senior Research Fellow la Jesus College (Oxford University), Senior Fellow la Hoover Institution (Stanford University) şi profesor de istorie şi relaţii internaţionale la London School of Economics. Este autorul lucrărilor: Paper and Iron: Hamburg Business and German Politics in the Era of Inflation, 1897-1927 (1995); The World’s Banker: The History of the House of Rothschild (1998); The Pity of War (1998); The Cash Nexus: Money and Power in the Modern World, 1700-2000 (2001); Colossus: The Rise and Fall of the American Empire (2004); The War of the World: History’s Age of Hatred (2006). Publică regulat articole în ziare şi reviste din întreaga lume. A redactat şi a prezentat cinci serii de documentare pentru televiziune difuzate de Channel 4, care s-au bucurat de o remarcabilă audienţă: Empire (2003), American Colossus (2004), The War of the World (2006), The Ascent of Money (2008) şi Civilization: Is The West History? (2011).

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